MONOLOGUE #19. FATEEMA // ALIYA If The Sea Could Talk

Audio artist and organizer Aliya Pabani takes Gaza Monologue #19 and a binaural microphone  with her to perform an action at a Toronto branch of the largest worldwide financier of weapons used by Israel. Aliya believes, as Che Guevara did, that the true revolutionary is guided by feelings of GREAT LOVE. 

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MONOLOGUE#22: MAHMUD // ALAA A Cup of Tea + The Horse of Jenin

Comedian Alaa Shahada talks about artist life in Jenin, West Bank. We hear a radiomagic excerpt of his one-man show "The Horse of Jenin". He talks about his dreams for the future of Palestine and performs Gaza Monologue #22 Mahmud Abu Shaa’ban. 

Alaa is a graduate of the Nobel prize nominated Freedom Theatre acting and the co-founder of the

Palestine Comedy Club.

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MONOLOGUE#1: AHMAD//ALI | Electricity Complexes + Keys Around Their Necks

Ali Dajani grew up in Jordan and studied in Canada, where he metThe Heart’s host and creator Kaitlin Prest. They meet up in his Amsterdam home to read Gaza Monologue #1: the story of Ahmad El Ruzzi. Ali's paternal grandfather left Jerusalem in 1948. "What happened in 1948?" KP asks. They both laugh. She apologises for her ignorance. He begins to explain.

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TRAILER: GREAT LOVE | The Gaza Monologues

The series features performances of Ashtar Theatre’s GAZA MONOLOGUES, using the testimonies written in 2010 as a creative and conversational jumping off point. We hear the words written by teenagers living war in Gaza over a decade ago, layered with recordings, artistic creations and experiences from today. Featuring Palestinian Artists Doris Hakim (Nazareth), comedian Alaa Shehada  (Jenin),  embroidery artist Sahar Abunadi and more. Audio artist, podcaster and organizer Aliya Pabani takes you with her into a Toronto branch of Scotia Bank: she reads the monologues to a bank teller and invites you to do the same. Kaitlin Prest gathers readings of the Gaza Monologues with people all over the world who are impacted by the genocide; a med student in his 6th year of university starting all over again in Egypt after fleeing Gaza with his brother and sister; a Palestinian filmmaker who grew up going to Israeli school; a third generation Palestinian-Jordanian man who leaves Amsterdam because he doesn’t want his tax dollars to go to a country that won’t take a stand. With the help of Hakim, Pabani and artist Yasaman Mansoori these readings are woven into an audio experience of the 2010 monologues layered with the stories of the people from today. 

The series will be released weekly starting August 2024, in hopes that the genocide will end before a year has passed.

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