
Lovemap is a term coined by psychologist and sexologist, John Money, which boils down to a “map” of what we like, who we like, and how we like it. Money’s theory is that we all have one. It's a template — one that we are constantly measuring our sexual and romantic experiences against. They tend to be pretty specific, right down to how exactly you need to be touched to have an orgasm. In this episode, we explore different kinds of lovemaps including sexual maps that deviate from preconceived notions of what is suppose to happen when one body meets another; dating lovemaps unveiling our tendencies in relationships; and the physical map of touch. 


Cary and Beta are two people who are both intersex. They were assigned genders that they didn't feel fit at birth and have transitioned to the opposite gender. Individually they went through a lot, spanning from feeling left out in childhood to awkward sex. They were living 1,000 miles apart when they met on Second Life. Cary and Beta have been happily married for six years now. Here is a link to Cary's blog if you want to learn more about intersexuality.

Dating patterns come in all heights and widths — especially in Jen's world, where her dating history is plotted in rows and columns of an Excel spreadsheet. In isolation, each cell reveals nothing more than a simple marking of an "x," or a digit.  Collectively, however, Jen draws from this data of scientific, journal-like entries in conjunction with interviews conducted with 3 ex-lovers (including her first boyfriend from 13 years ago) — to better understand her Heart.

In talking about maps, we asked our friends what gets them off, specifically having them discuss parts of their bodies that are less sexualized. We have created an audio collage that will hopefully leave  you satisfied. This piece originally debuted at Audio Smut's Sex Ed event hosted at Shag.