Coming of Age

Imagine a caterpillar that's reaching that time in its life where it’s time to grow wings and fly. So the caterpillar makes a cocoon and hangs out in there for a while. One day the cocoon bursts open and a beautiful butterfly emerges. "Coming of Age" is about the joys and terrors of the cocoon phase. Not a girl, not yet a woman.


Harvey Katz is the Athens Boys Choir. Before he was able to come out as a man, he had to become a woman. We chronicle and juxtapose the various rites of passages that Harvey has gone through in the past 30-odd years which include culottes, a hurricane and shaving while on stage.

Kaleigh Trace grew up in rural Ontario. A place with few formalized rituals, but with a lot of booze, sex, bonfires and farms. She was awkward and uncomfortable in high school. She wanted to be an adult, but didn’t really know how to. She loved listening to Prince. Prince’s songs are about sex, so Kaleigh danced around listening to Prince, trying to figure out sex. For more stories from Kaleigh, check out her first creative, non-fiction book 'Hot, Wet & Shaking: How I Learned To Talk About Sex.' This story was produced with the help of Veronica Simmonds. Check out her rad radio show called BRAIDIO.

That time when Mitra was 12 and her mom baked her a cake because she had just gotten her period.


Music in the episode by: Johnny Ripper Felix Ramirez